Neck Pain

neck pain Inner West Sydney

Neck pain is a common symptom that many people will experience in their lives. Often accompanied by other symptoms, such as headaches, dizziness and shoulder pain, neck pain can be concerning when the cause is not yet known.

What causes it?

The causes of neck pain can be difficult to determine as there are many factors that come into play. This may include falling asleep with your neck in an awkward position, sitting too long in one position, or sudden neck movements. Other causes may be injuries from falling, sports, or motor vehicle accidents (e.g., whiplash).

How common is it?

It is estimated that an average of 26% of people will experience neck pain each year. At any point in time, 14% of people will be dealing with a current episode of neck pain. Physiotherapy can help you to recover faster, reduce the chances of your neck pain coming back, and teach you how to manage future episodes by yourself.

Do I need scans or imaging?

In most cases, you do not need any scans or imaging (X-ray, CT or MRI). With a thorough history and physical examination, we can figure out whether or not you need imaging. Scans often do not show what is causing your pain and unnecessary imaging can actually delay recovery.

How is it treated?

After a careful assessment, your physiotherapist will create a treatment plan personalised to you. This may involve education, advice, hands-on treatment, and exercise program.